1 Marzo 2024

Doctoral Seminar Series 2024 Living Otherwise: Environment Beyond the Climate Techno-Fix

Convened by Mara Benadusi & Luca Ruggiero
Department of Political and Social Sciences
University of Catania
March 4 – July 2, 2024

Is techno-optimism sufficient to solve the current climate crisis? Does the belief in technological progress persist when contrasting environmental degradation and envisioning repairing practices? What is really dominant in the current sociotechnical imaginary? What is not? And how do alternative ways of living in a carbon-constrained world mobilize support for their realization? What kind of techno-ecologies do emerge for the purposes of reenhancing the world and rescuing humans and non-humans from the end-times?

Prof. Mara Benadusi is thrilled to announce a forthcoming cycle of seminars titled “Living Otherwise: Environment Beyond the Climate Techno-Fix”. Organized by the PhD School of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, within the framework of the Marie Curie Doctoral Network CURGE on the “Anthropology of Global Climate Urgency ,” this seminar series will try to unpack the climate techno -fix from a transdisciplinary perspective by linking social and environmental anthropology to economic-political geography.

Providing a deeper understanding of the ways in which humans relate to the material world, to land, water, soil, the biosphere, and to a pluriverse of other beings, the seminars shed light on the root causes of climate change and expand our imagination of how to live otherwise, envisioning future possibilities. Particular emphasis will be given to the interpretations and hybrid practices through which human and non-human collectives make sense of accelerated changes in climate and their lived environment.

The seminars will be held in presence, but for C-URGE DCs and researchers outside Italy, online participation will be possible as well. For more information, please contact mara.benadusi@unict.it

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