12 Aprile 2021

TOAfrica Summer School 2021

Environment, Conflicts and Society
14-18 June 2021
Deadline: 20 May 2021

The TOAfrica summer school offers Master’s students and professionals an introductory framework to the African continent with particular attention to the Sub-Saharan regions, that in recent years have undergone impressive changes: demographic and economic growth, fast urbanization, internal and external mobility, the development of digital technologies, artistic creativity, social, cultural and religious transformations, but also conflicts and environmental, health and political crises. A new landscape which has repositioned the continent in the global perspective, generating interest in international observers and investors.
The program, entirely offered in English, is organized by the Africanistic section of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society (CPS Africa) of the University
of Turin and the T.wai – Torino World Affairs Institute, in collaboration with The Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala, Sweden) and the Makerere University (Kampala, Uganda), one of the most renowned academic institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa and with whom University of Turin has been conducting an Erasmus Partner Countries Program for the last four years.


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